The league is being pulled like taffy.

Standings: Week 6, after game 5 (May 3, 2024)

Canberra Kangaroos22.8312.17.6520.0
D.C. Balk19.9215.08.5692.9
Flint Hill Tornadoes18.8716.13.5394.0
Cascadia Glaciers18.2516.75.5214.6
Peshastin Pears17.8117.19.5095.0
Salem Seraphim16.8018.20.4806.0
Haviland Dragons16.0618.94.4596.8
Pittsburgh Alleghenys15.8219.18.4527.0
Portland Rosebuds15.0519.95.4307.8
Kaline Drive13.1921.81.3779.6
Old Detroit Wolverines9.1625.84.26213.7

  1. Most improbable: no one will win or lose a negative number of games over a season. You can bet the house on this one, even in the EFL.
  2. No one will win, or lose, fewer games than they had won, or lost, as of the end of week 5.
  3. No one will win 306, 235, 225, and 179 games, in that order of improbability. It is theoretically possible to win more than 162 games in the regular if two teams never face each other in the regular season, and both have unbeaten seasons, and have a playoff to break the tie. So if someone insists on a best-of-287 tie-breaker playoff, a team could in theory win 306 in the regular season. Improbable? Yes!! Oh Yes Yes, Yes!!! But not impossible.
  4. through, I dunno, 50? 150? 1550?: Other things I haven’t thought of.

