Feed your sheep

Feed your sheep

Today I described to a colleague how to teach a kid to ride a bike. “I taught my daughter by promising I’d run alongside her and hang on to the back of her seat so she wouldn’t fall. Then I let go of the seat without telling her — in essence, I...
Five for Five from Fathers Day

Five for Five from Fathers Day

Which EFL player made his dad the proudest on Fathers Day? To find out, we’ll START this post with the Outstanding Performances for each team. To find the End of Week 13 standings — and the results of a couple of studies I’ve done — scroll...
Draft order for June 4 (4:00 – 5:30)

Scary Stuff

Friends: I have spent a very pleasant New Years Day scouting all of you, and your Rule 5 Draft offerings, getting ready for our meeting at 8 AM Wednesday Morning.  But right at the end I noticed a small error in my spreadsheet. When I fixed it, I beheld a sight of...