There are so many implications!

  1. Today there will be TWO wandering Wolverines on the central Oregon coast. The wild one seems to be working his way south, while the relatively tame one will be working his way north.
  2. Wouldn’t it be great if we could meet?!?!
  3. Do you think he would recognize me as a fellow spirit?
  4. Do you think Melanie would let me take him home? Our dog is ancient, and has been liable to kick off any day now for the last three years. We could use a “pet” that would be a more effective mouser.
  5. I think I know what I’ll name him, once the wandering wolverine and I become pals: Jurickson, for Profar, who I believe holds the record for most separate occasions on the Wolverine roster (3).
  6. Just think of the impact if I could bring Jurickson to the next EFL managers meeting at the end of April. I bet I could draft anyone I wanted at a great price.
  7. I suppose if Jamie brings a tornado to the draft, it would be even more devastating. Probably TOO devastating, though, since it would totally destroy the venue so no drafting could get done. Whereas Jurickson would only snarl at anyone who seems to be a threat to us Wolverines.
  8. You’d think the Assistant Commissioner for Treats would bring pears to ALL the meetings. But actually, now that I think about it, maybe he has. We’ve been devouring Pears for 20 years.
  9. I was going to do a pre-season prediction column where I warned everyone about the Dragons and their roster being markedly stronger than anyone else’s — and the Wolverines’ being maybe only 3rd (after the Alleghenys) , 4th (after the Kangaroos), 5th (after the aforementioned Pears)… or even 6th (after the Seraphim). But now that I am practically in contact with a real wild Wolverine, all bets are off. It’s an omen powerful enough to scramble all our predictions.
  10. In any case, one thing is obvious, and super inspiring: Wolverine habitat is expanding!! We are on the march!! I can easily imagine the thrills running up and down all your spines at that thought!

I certainly hope any of you who encounter your mascots on your travels will give us a full report — with pictures. Next up, I hope: Colorado officials confirm wandering kangaroo in Denver area.