Old Detroit is the 2021 Champion!

We interrupt your Monday (bedtime) routine to deliver a special announcement: The Old Detroit Wolverines are your 2021 EFL Champions! This season’s title is the franchise’s 5th title since 2004, and it’s first in 9 years. The Wolverines won 112...

He Rose, Bud

No, the title isn’t the punch line to some joke being told about Jesus’ resurrection (though it could be). But it is referring to another momentous occasion.  It happened! After finishing in last place last year, and dwelling in the cellar since June 16 of...

Old Detroit…New Champions?

The Wolverines have all but clinched the 2021 EFL title. Due to the complexities of the EFL, we cannot say for certain that their title is secure, but we have already begun the engraving process on the trophy. What would it take for the Tornadoes to make one final...

So Many Battles, So Little Time

We’ve got several very intriguing battles brewing in the EFL this final week of the season, and it will be exciting to watch all of them. Here they are: The Battle for 3rd Place: This battle is between the Balk and the Drive The Battle for 6th Place: This battle...

.500 is 💯

We have officially done it! Every team is, heading into tonight’s games, above .500. Good work, EFL honchos! We have outperformed 14 MLB teams (though I suppose it could change before season’s end). This excellence has been a sight to behold, and will also...